The XVth Congress of the Spanish Association of Semiotics set a reflection on analytical categories of time, temporality and temporalization and their theoretical success within the field of Semiotics. The aim was to explore how they are used in semiotic analyses and which is their current theoretical status. We dealt with all the areas belonging to the tradition of semiotics of culture, narrative semiotics, semiotics of discourse, textual semiotics, etc., and the relationships among them.
It took place in Burgos between October the 16th and 18th and some of the most important semioticians of Spain and Europe took part of it: Jorge Lozano, Cristina Peña-Marín, Juan Alonso, Paolo Fabbri, Denis Bertrand, etc.
The meeting also seek to think about the role of the concept of time in Semiotics, specially related to the relationships between the Semiotics and other perspectives of the study of culture as History, Historiography, Sociology and Anthropology.
The General Assembly of AES took place during the meeting and Jorge Lozano was elected as the new president for the next 4 years Junta Directiva
Thanks to this, the XVth Congress of AES gave the perfect occasion to discuss with representatives of other disciplines.
For further information about next announcements visit the website of International Congress of of the AES.
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