The book entitled as Lectures on the Epistemology of Semioticsconsists of eight lectures pertaining to theoretical issues and three supplements exemplifying the applicative values of selected conceptions in the domain of semiotic studies. Separately detached two parts comprise bibliography of works cited and consulted and index referring to authors and subjects from the main text.
As such, it is the first academic course book that exposes linguistic semiotics within the framework of epistemology as a theory of knowledge of how scientific objects exist (ontology) and how they can be cognized in exploratory approaches (gnoseology). Combining the linguistic, philosophical, logical and anthropological inquiries into the sign- and meaning-related questions, which have been hitherto conducted within the span of last fifteen years, it postulates to merge the domains of biological and cultural studies into the investigative paradigm of linguistic semiotics. This book offers to an adept in semiotic and linguistic studies at least three methodological benefits, deducible from the conviction: firstly, that semiotic objects are multiaspectual, and, secondly, that the subject matter of semiotic investigations can be reached through the choice of respective epistemological perspectives, and, thirdly, that on the metascientific level all investigative approaches are equal in right.
Regarding its novelty aspects, at least five main areas of research provide here entirely inventive resolutions and creative proposals, namely, (1) an outline of metasemiotics as a network of epistemological paradigms, (2) a systemic-structural approach to the semiotic universals of language, (3) an epistemological modeling of sign and its referent relationships, (4) a solipsistic conception of subjective significance in the value and- need- or function-and-purpose-oriented domains of human activity, and (5) a reflection on discursivism from the viewpoint of its applicableness to the context of human competence. In this study, the main emphasis is put on analyzing and explaining the role of communicating selves in the formation of discursive communities linked through praxeological and axiological means of interpersonal communication and intersubjective signification.
ABSTRACT: Zdzisław Wąsik 2014: Lectures on the Epistemology of Semiotics. Wrocław: Philological School of Higher Education in Wrocław Publishing / Wydawnictwo Wyższej Szkoły Filologicznej we Wrocławiu (Philologica Wratislaviensia: Series Didactica. Vol. 1. Edited by Zdzisław Wąsik). 236 pp. ISBN 978-83-60097-24-3
Available in the PDF version at: http://iassais.wordpress.com/2014/06/15/new-book-lectures-on-the-epistemology-of-semiotics-zdzislaw-wasik/
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