Virtual Symposium (July 1, 2002 - June 30, 2006) On May 3-5, 2002, a pluridisciplinary colloquium on the multimodality of human communication was held at Victoria University in the University of Toronto. This international event had been organized thanks to the support of the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada, the Connaught International Symposia / Colloquia Program, and various centres and departments in the University of Toronto and Victoria University. The program of the colloquium, as it happened, is available in the Archives of this section, where the abstracts and position papers are also accessible. The new website which is now launched under the aegis of the above agencies is meant to open this pluridisciplinary forum to the global community of researchers in the emerging field of multimodality or multisensoriality studies and their numerous applications in a variety of domains such as language acquisition, communication, and information technologies. Specialists in the cognitive neurosciences, theoretical and applied linguistics, the psychology and anthropology of verbal and nonverbal communication in context, the semiotics of gestures, the modelling or simulation of symbolic interactions, and the development of economic transactions, video games and other virtual commodities such as wearable computers and artificial life animation, are invited to submit relevant position papers as well as discussions of the papers which are already posted. New papers and comments to position papers should be sent as attachments to paul.bouissac@utoronto.ca. It is understood that the authors, whose e-mail addresses will be published with their papers, will retain their copyrights and will be able to withdraw their contributions as they see fit. |
Information: Paul
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