Prof. Philippe Martin (University
of Toronto)
Intention, inattention and intonation
Intonation as a part of
prosody is an important component in the speech interaction process. Both
linguistic (encoding of the prosodic structure) and non-linguistic (emotional, attitudinal)
aspects play crucial roles in the teaching environment, particularly if other
channels of communication (gesture, facial, etc.) are absent as it is for
example the case in CD-ROM language courses.
We will review different
aspects of the linguistic use of intonation, where the encoding of intonation
should correspond to the most effective hierarchical organization of the
discourse elements, and non-linguistic where intonation should encode positive
and encouraging emotional and attitudinal aspects of the virtual teacher.
Although these aspects of
intonation have been empirically considered for a long time (i.e. by selecting
"pleasant" and "convincing" voices) by the radio and TV
advertising industry, more systematic understanding of the processes involved
are now in order.