SEO Editorial Board

SEO Editorial Board

Gabriele Aroni – (Xi’an Jiaotong – Liverpool University)
Anett Arvay (University of Szegred)
Clara Chapdelaine-Feliciati (Xi’an Jiaotong – Liverpool University)
Ethan Cochrane (University of Auckland)
Alan Crawley (Universidad del Salvador)
Adolfo M. Garcia (Universidad de San Andrés)
Evangelos Kourdis – (Chair)
Hubert Kowalewski (Marie Curie-Sklodowska University)
Sebastian Moreno (Universidad ORT Urugyay)
Gregory Paschalidis (Aristotle University of Thessaloniki)
Monica Rector (University of North Carolina)

Editorial Team

Editor: Paul Bouissac
Associate Editor: James McAdams
Administrator: James Starr 

Guidelines For Authors

The Semiotics Encyclopedia Online publishes original entries on topics related to the study of communication and signification in the broader sense of these terms. It also features entries on researchers whose publications have contributed to theoretical and practical advances relevant to the study of signs and meaning. The entries include four parts: (i) a summary that highlights the most important points of the entry’s topic; (ii) a long entry that is clearly structured and expounds in detail the main aspects of the chosen topic; (iii) a complete bibliography relevant to the entry’s topic; (iv) a bio- bibliographical note on the author of the entry. Entries should be submitted through the template available at All entries can be updated as new relevant information becomes available. Pictures and diagrams may be submitted with the entries with clear indications of where they should be placed in the texts. It is recommended to use a clear style, as much as possible devoid of jargon, and to avoid excessively long sentences. Technical terms should be defined so that all readers can understand them.

Please follow the guidelines strictly as outlined in the template: submit only bibliographic information in the bibliography text box, submit only author information in the author information text box and so forth. Please submit images in a recognized image format such as .jpeg, .png, etc. not inside of a text document or .pdf file- these may not scale properly when published.